Healthy Human Culture – podcasts and interviews

Listen to podcasts of Sophy interviewed about Healthy Human Culture:

  • Diving Deep into Ourselves, Each other and the World, a conversation with Manda Scott on Accidental Gods. I met Manda when she was studying Economics for Transition at Schumacher College. We soon discovered a shared interest in cultural patterns, what indigeneity might have looked like before Britain was colonised by the Romans, language and frames, and what stories we need to help make a just, transforming, transition to a liveable future.
  • From What If to What Next, Sophy and Leila share their thoughts on “What if we lived in a healthy human culture?” with Rob Hopkins (the link takes you to Spotify, but find Episode 81 of Rob’s podcast on your media).
  • Buiding the Banks – on culture, ceremony and grief tending with New Constellations
  • Falling apart – at the Conflict Transformation Summit with Eva Schonfeld
  • What makes a healthy culture? As temperatures rise, with Katie Teague