Workshops, webinars, conversations, and more..
Events and workshops

Between numbness and vulnerability
Save the date!
More information on the theme and the flow coming soon.

Foundation: 7 week learning journey
“Your view of HHC has been really clearing to me, it completed my view of health and healing. It makes so much sense integrated with IFS and Process Work! ”
How do we create healthy relational culture? At work, at home, in our communities and in our change-making, Healthy Human Culture offers insights and practices to deepen understanding of how we can make (or break) positive dynamics between us.
Join an 8-week online learning journey with Sophy Banks and the Healthy Human Culture team to explore principles and practices for growing and restoring health as an individual, or as part of any group
Register now for the next HHC learning journey:
15th October - 3rd December
Wednesdays, 18:00 - 20:30 UK time
7 weekly sessions, plus one practice session
Cost £180 – £360 sliding scale
All learning journeys are seven online sessions of 2.5 hours, weekly or fortnightly. Alternate weeks focus on presentations of concepts with embodied practices and inquiries; and bringing your own real life situations to explore with the facilitators and other group members. This grounds the concepts in your actual current experience. For this journey, we will offer an extra week of practice, where participants can support each other in deepening this work.
Sessions are facilitated by Sophy plus support. See more of the wide range of skills and experience the facilitation team are bringing here. Recordings and notes from every session will be available during and after the programme
Cost: £180 – 360 (or €200 – 380) for the full journey, includes downloadable recordings of all sessions. Please be in touch if you need a bursary place – we want the work to be accessible to all those who want to benefit from it.
Register here for any of the journeys. We will send you payment details. Please pay in full for courses starting in less than 1 month; or 50% deposit for later journeys.
All journeys in English and times are UK times except where shown.
Here’s a bit about what the learning journey will cover. If you have specific areas of interest please let us know on your registration form.
What is healthy culture? What do we mean by health, what words help us define it, and what is not-health?
Some cross cultural definitions of health, and what this has to do with human neuro-biology
The importance of return paths to a place of trust, safety and connection
Exploring possible underlying causes of cultural patters which cause harm, violence, separation, inequalitiy?
Maps for understanding and navigating the complexity of being human, as individuals, in relationships, and in the wider world

Deepening group
A place to experience, learn, practice… deepen our understanding of what Healthy Human Culture is and can be.

An Introduction to HHC
Division, burn out, conflict, breakdown and collapse don’t have to be the dominant stories.
Healthy Human Culture (HHC) is a framework and embodied approach developed by Sophy Banks that integrates insights from systems thinking, modern psychology and wisdom traditions. It supports you with insights and practices that can deepen your understanding of human dynamics from the individual to the global.
It explores why people often create harm even when they don’t mean to and how we might change course to develop healthier practice and relationships. Awareness brings power, allowing us to weave new stories in our families, workplaces and systems.
We invite you to an introduction to this work exploring the movement towards more health and a more alive world.
Who we are
Theresa Fend, Kenny McCarthy and Dita Vizoso have been part of a growing community around Healthy Human Culture since its start in Spring 2021. We have incorporated HHC in our life and work, and want to share our experiences and invite you to find your own.
We want a healthier culture for a healthier future for all.
Theresa – Sophy Banks stirs together complex knowledge from different fields, with her rich life experience and intimate understanding of human hearts and bodies. Her teachings deepened my understanding of systemic issues, how they connect to my personal patterns and pointed me towards possible solutions. The HHC framework helped me to bring insights and relief to conflicts that occurred in communities I am part of, allowed me to rethink communication strategies and shine a light on my personal relationships. I feel lucky to keep learning with Sophy.
Kenny - The practice of HHC for me is what drew me in. Exploring important personal and collective questions with a rich diversity of others was exciting. While, learning through the embodied practices allowed me to feel the insights of the HHC framework so I knew them in my body as well as my head. HHC has supported me to bring together the two worlds i work in social change and psychotherapy through its flexibility and applicability across scales and contexts. Exploring how we can come together and find common ground in these times feels like the most important and rich enquiry.
Dita – First time I saw Sophy Banks explain the HHC framework, I had a deep knowing of crossing an important threshold. This way of looking at our social systems has deepened my understanding of the place and origin of my own traumas and unhealthy behaviours, their connection with the collective, in a way that gives me agency to learn from and transform them. It has deepened my understanding of how my choices are part of a wide system, and of how to learn and seek practices that support my discernment and wellbeing. It informs my work as activist, organiser, communicator.
What to expect
In this 2.5h online workshop, you will learn core principles and theories, experience them through embodied exercises and apply them to your situations or challenges from your own life. You will connect with other practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds and receive coaching from each other as well as from our team.
Please make sure to check your local time!
Friday, 20th February 16:30 UK / 08:30 US Pacific / 19:30 East Africa Please click here to check your local time.
Participation is limited, please sign up here:
We will confirm your registration within a couple of days, and share the joining information closer to the session.
Gift Economy
We are self-funded and committed to make our work as accessible as possible. We are inviting participants to make a donation in exchange for our offer.

Foundation: 7 week learning journey
“Your view of HHC has been really clearing to me, it completed my view of health and healing. It makes so much sense integrated with IFS and Process Work! ”
How do we create healthy relational culture? At work, at home, in our communities and in our change-making, Healthy Human Culture offers insights and practices to deepen understanding of how we can make (or break) positive dynamics between us.
Join a 7-week online learning journey with Sophy Banks and the Healthy Human Culture team to explore principles and practices for growing and restoring health as an individual, or as part of any group
Register now for the next HHC learning journey:
Tuesday 29th October - Tuesday 10th December
7 weekly sessions
Cost £150 – £300 sliding scale
All learning journeys are seven online sessions of 2.5 hours, weekly or fortnightly. Alternate weeks focus on presentations of concepts with embodied practices and inquiries; and bringing your own real life situations to explore with the facilitators and other group members. This grounds the concepts in your actual current experience.
Sessions are facilitated by Sophy plus support. See more of the wide range of skills and experience the facilitation team are bringing here. Recordings and notes from every session will be available during and after the programme
Cost: £150 – 300 (or €180 – 360) for the full journey, includes downloadable recordings of all sessions. Please be in touch if you need a bursary place – we want the work to be accessible to all those who want to benefit from it.
Register here for any of the journeys below. We will send you payment details. Please pay in full for courses starting in less than 1 month; or 50% deposit for later journeys.
All journeys in English and times are UK times except where shown.
Here’s a bit about what the learning journey will cover. If you have specific areas of interest please let us know on your registration form.
What is healthy culture? What do we mean by health, what words help us define it, and what is not-health?
Some cross cultural definitions of health, and what this has to do with human neuro-biology
The importance of return paths to a place of trust, safety and connection
Exploring possible underlying causes of cultural patters which cause harm, violence, separation, inequalitiy?
Maps for understanding and navigating the complexity of being human, as individuals, in relationships, and in the wider world

An Introduction to HHC
Division, burn out, conflict, breakdown and collapse don’t have to be the dominant stories.
Healthy Human Culture (HHC) is a framework and embodied approach developed by Sophy Banks that integrates insights from systems thinking, modern psychology and wisdom traditions. It supports you with insights and practices that can deepen your understanding of human dynamics from the individual to the global.
It explores why people often create harm even when they don’t mean to and how we might change course to develop healthier practice and relationships. Awareness brings power, allowing us to weave new stories in our families, workplaces and systems.
We invite you to an introduction to this work exploring the movement towards more health and a more alive world.
Who we are
Theresa Fend, Kenny McCarthy and Dita Vizoso have been part of a growing community around Healthy Human Culture since its start in Spring 2021. We have incorporated HHC in our life and work, and want to share our experiences and invite you to find your own.
We want a healthier culture for a healthier future for all.
Theresa – Sophy Banks stirs together complex knowledge from different fields, with her rich life experience and intimate understanding of human hearts and bodies. Her teachings deepened my understanding of systemic issues, how they connect to my personal patterns and pointed me towards possible solutions. The HHC framework helped me to bring insights and relief to conflicts that occurred in communities I am part of, allowed me to rethink communication strategies and shine a light on my personal relationships. I feel lucky to keep learning with Sophy.
Kenny - The practice of HHC for me is what drew me in. Exploring important personal and collective questions with a rich diversity of others was exciting. While, learning through the embodied practices allowed me to feel the insights of the HHC framework so I knew them in my body as well as my head. HHC has supported me to bring together the two worlds i work in social change and psychotherapy through its flexibility and applicability across scales and contexts. Exploring how we can come together and find common ground in these times feels like the most important and rich enquiry.
Dita – First time I saw Sophy Banks explain the HHC framework, I had a deep knowing of crossing an important threshold. This way of looking at our social systems has deepened my understanding of the place and origin of my own traumas and unhealthy behaviours, their connection with the collective, in a way that gives me agency to learn from and transform them. It has deepened my understanding of how my choices are part of a wide system, and of how to learn and seek practices that support my discernment and wellbeing. It informs my work as activist, organiser, communicator.
What to expect
In this 2.5h online workshop, you will learn core principles and theories, experience them through embodied exercises and apply them to your situations or challenges from your own life. You will connect with other practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds and receive coaching from each other as well as from our team.
Please make sure to check your local time!
Thursday, 3rd October 18:00 UK / 10:00 US Pacific / 20:00 East Africa. Please click here to check your local time.
Saturday, 12th October 10:00 UK / 13:00 East Africa / 19:00 East Australia. Please click here to check your local time.
Participation is limited, please sign up here:
We will confirm your registration within a couple of days, and share the joining information closer to the session.
Gift Economy
We are self-funded and committed to make our work as accessible as possible. We are inviting participants to make a donation in exchange for our offer.

Orientation: 20 July 9:0 - 12:0
A solid introduction to Healthy Human Culture concepts and core practices